Monday, November 24, 2008

The first snow!!

Wow--we have some very excited kids at our house since they were able to play in the snow after school today. Many of the neighbor kids and Austin, Mariah, Nolan and even Anjali enjoyed playing in the snow. Anjali seemed to like it but the only thing that she wasn't sure about was wearing a hat. She wouldn't let me put it on her but I am sure she has no idea what it is for and has never had one on her head before.
We had a great day today. This afternoon she went to the store with me and was great the entire time. I would show her several items in the store that we were buying and would ask her in Marathi what it is. She would say the word and then I would tell her the English word for it. She is picking up new words quickly and tries to say many words. She was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in English throughout the store--It was precious. After dinner tonight she was playing with Austin and tickling him and was giggling so much. She has the best laugh!
The nights are the most challenging right now as her body is still on India time. She was very tired tonight since she had no nap today and played out in the snow so hopefully she will sleep longer tonight without waking up.
We are all doing well and really enjoying getting to know this precious gift that God has blessed our family with. We thank God for the things we are learning from her and the many ways He has blessed us!


A Stafford said...

Comforting to hear that your daughter won't wear a hat. Anju won't wear a hat or mittens and I think she'd take the coat off too if she knew how. Putting on the winter gear and having to be in a car seat from the airport in MN to our house was definitely the worst part of the journey for her!

God bless and hope your adjustment period goes well--Anju is already sleeping through the night but still has no time for her daddy or brother.

Anonymous said...

Diekevers Family,
What a blessing Anjali is. She is very lucky to have you all as her family. I love the pictures with all the kids together.
Have a very fun and blessed Thanksgiving with your new family!