Saturday, November 15, 2008

A few more pics


Judy said...

Dear Kevin,Carmen and Anjali:
The blog is wonderful,the pictures are so precious,God is so good.
Ihave been praying for peace and contentment for Anjali, it's very evident that prayers are being answered. Your journey so far has been incrediable, your journey of faith and trust is such a blessing to see and praise God for. A quote from a book I have read. "Remain in simple attention to God. Keep your will peacefully directed to him. The essence of prayer is the desire to find God,to see him, and to love him is the one thing that Matters." I can see God in your smiles and love that is being shown to everyone around you and especially to Anjali.
Iam so excited for her to meet her Nana and Papa,and for us to be able to love her. Thinking of you all the time,and in my prayers constantly. KEEP LOOKING UP!! Give Anjali hugs and kisses from Grandmaxoxoxoxo
Love MomMich

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys!
Thanks for posting pictures for us to see. It is good to see Anjali smiling right along with you! I'm sure the other kids are anxious for you to come back home and also to meet their new sister. I remember meeting Emalee for the first time at the airport and what a great feeling that was to know she is finally here. We can't imagine her not being one of our nieces. What a blessed thing you are doing for her.
Thinking of you often,

Tricia said...

Thinking of you today, glad to see the bonding beginning for all of you. Wishing you safe keeping and memories to share. Love, Tricia

James1:27 said...

Dear Kevin and Carmen,
Awesome. Your daughter Anjali is adorable. Your poolside "napping" picture is precious. Thank you for giving us a peek into this unforgettable experience and journey your family is on. Enjoy your trip home and we will be praying for your safe arrival "HOME!!!!!!!!"

Chris and Michelle

Amy Mix said...

I have been watching the website and thinking about you every day. You have made me smile and cry. I am happy for you. I think Anjali is doing great considering all of the changes. Have a safe trip home.
Amy Mix

Joy said...

HI Carmen and Kevin,
Thanks for sharing your faith journey with us! Isn't it amazing to think that God's plan for your life included a beautiful little girl who lived on the other side of the world? I am eager to welcome her to the Kelloggsville Church family and to support your family during this time of transition. What a blessing it will be to share the love of God with her! I am sure this will be a Thanksgiving that your family will never forget! Hope this week goes smoothly for all of you.
Love and prayers,
Joy Howard

Lisa B said...

Thanks for sharing your story through this blog! We have been praying for your family every day and are so thankful to hear that things are going well. How cute that Anjali likes "girly" things. She and Natalie will get along great:) I'm sure you are getting anxious to get home. We'll be praying that the next few days go smoothly and that you have a safe trip back. We are looking forward to meeting Anjali!
Lisa Bosma

Taylors said...

Hi Kevin and Carmen, Steve has been showing me your blog. It's so awesome to hear about your journey and see your pictures. Anjali is so precious and appears to be taking many changes in her life all in stride! Reading your posts have brought back many memories of our time in China with Jade. We are praying for your family and are excited for God's plan in Anjali's life. The Taylors