Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our first full day with Anjali

The day went pretty well considering all of the changes that have taken place for this little girl. We woke up this morning (after she slept for 10 hours straight) and went down to breakfast. Anjali ate a great breakfast with some of it being Indian. We found out she loves eggs with some type of rice mixed with them. She also loves milk which is something that she is used to having but she likes it lukewarm and with a little sugar. After we went to eat we went out to the pool. She wasn't too fond of the pool and was just happy to stand by the lounge chair. She also didn't want much to do with Kevin at the pool. It kind of started after he took off his shirt so we thought maybe it was that she was not used to that at all. Later she warmed up and we took a walk on Juhu Beach (on the Arabian Sea) which our hotel is located on. She was giggling at Kevin after we came up from the beach and were rinsing off our feet with the water sprayer. I took her to the room after this and she said her first words to me since we took her yesterday. She became very expressive when she noticed the bag of hair accessories that I brought along for her. It was great to hear her talk even though I really didn't know what she was saying. She also gave her first kisses to mom and dad today. It was awesome and an amazing feeling especially after her sorrow yesterday.
She even looked at a picture book (thanks so much Dave and Mary)with Dad and repeated most of the words after we said them in English. I am certain she will catch on to English rather quickly. She also said her sister and brothers names today.
We hired a private taxi driver to take us Bandra tonight to do some shopping at the markets. The private drivers are responsible for your safety down there and the whole time they are with you so it was really nice to have him close to us tonight. It is like a zoo out there with so much traffic and so many people. When we arrived back at the hotel Anjali was so tired so I got her ready for bed. She was in one of her phases of not wanting Kevin to help her again. She had some milk, brushed her teeth all by herself and then I laid her down. She was very tired again tonight and fell asleep quickly. She is now sleeping soundly. We have learned so much about this precious child in one day it is amazing.

Some things we have learned about Anjlai:
She loves hard boiled eggs
She loves her hair accessories, bracelets and dresses
She is used to a routine of when she eats and sleeps
Warm milk is one of her favorite things to drink
She prefers her mommy when she is tired
She loves to look at pictures on the computer that we have taken
She doesn't care for the pool (but does enjoy taking a bath)
She is so special--People around here tell us how "lucky she is" but we are the ones that are so blessed to have this little girl in our lives.

Thanks to all of you who have sent us comments--It means more to us than you can imagine when we are so far from home. A, M and N we miss you so much and can't wait for you to meet your little sister. She is going to love you guys! Thanks R & S for all you have done--We appreciate it so much!! Thanks too for your continued prayers for our safety and our bonding with her. This whole experience is almost impossible to put into words and we are so thankful for all of you who have supported us in our call to step out in faith!!


Austin Diekevers said...

What an awesome experience you are sharing with us. It's incredible how much love we have for this little Anjali even though we haven't met her yet. The pictures really tell a story and we really feel she knows how much you love her already. It is so awesome to see her so happy with you both. We thank God For all that He has done for you and is going to do for you! We love you and continue to remember you to our Heavenly Father!!! Mom and Dad D.

Sara said...

Hi Guys! Sounds like you had a fun first day with her.She looks very happy in the pictures which is such a blessing. I will continue to pray that things go smooth and that Anjali continues to bond with you both. We can't wait to see her in person we love her already!!!Love you both Tyler Sara Lauryn and Logan

msbolf said...

After reading the post on Friday the 14th, there was not a dry eye in the HR area at GFS. Wow - what an experience you are having. I am so glad for your ability to upload pictures and share them and can not wait to meet her in person. I will continue to pray for you during this bonding time with Anjali and your safe travels home later this week. You have been so blessed - praise God!

The Michmerhuizens said...

Hey guys,
Our posts don't seem to be posting or maybe we can't read them and you can?...we'll try again. It sure looks fabulous in India at the hotel. It is cold, snowing, and windy today here. We continue to pray for you and that each day is better for Anjali. Love to you all, Matt & Kris, Britton, Karley, Ella, and Levi

Lori said...

Hi Carmen and Kevin! What an beautiful blessing Anjali is! Thanks for sharing your journey, and the pictures are so great! We look forward to meeting your precious gift from God! We'll continue to keep you all in our prayers! Love, Lori and Doug and family