Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our last day in India

We can hardly believe that this is our last day in India already. We have been here over a week and the time has really gone pretty fast. We have had a great time but are looking forward to coming home and seeing the kids. The flight ahead of us seems so long but we are praying that Anjali sleeps on the flight and that she is easily entertained. We are actually in the lobby of the Taj Hotel waiting to meet a woman who has adopted an 11 month old girl from the same agency that we used. We're heading out to dinner with her and then to the airport for our flight to Amsterdam. Today was a fun filled day--we did some sight seeing and quite a bit of shopping. It was fun going to the markets but after a while it gets really tiring having people want you (beg you) to buy what they are selling. Anjali did a good job shopping and loves to try on bangles and necklaces. She thought she would try standing up while we were riding in the car today and when I told her to sit down she didn't like that too much. We think the car seat at home may be a struggle for her as she doesn't like to be confined. We also visited McDonald's today while we were out and about and this little girl loves the french fries.
We have had a great time in India and the joy this little has brought to our lives already is amazing. She has a sassy/stubborn side to her but she is full of love. We are excited for you all to meet her. Thanks so much for all of your encouragement and support on our journey. We'll see you all at home real soon! Please pray for safe travels! Tataa form India!`


Judy said...

The transition of Anjali's frown to her smiles has been such a miracle to see, she has a smile that says "Iam so loved" she is so precious! What a gift from God that you have been given!
The kids are counting the hours and minutes until you are home,but they have been wonderful and loving. It has been a pleasure staying with them,even tho we could'nt find a stamp this am, not too big a crisis. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, and may God bless you with good sleep and healthy bodies on yhour travels home. Love you so much! Dad called last night from deer camp, no deer and not much sign of any. He can't wait to get home to see Anjali. May God bless you richly today!
Love and Hugs Mom Mich

Austin Diekevers said...

Dear Kevin, Carmen and Anjali, Greetings, hugs and kisses from Grandpa and Grandma. We were so happy to see your happy faces this morning. We are praying for a safe trip home and that your health will stay good. We are so happy that you will be home soon. To God be the glory for all that he has done for all of you. We pray that Anjali will not be too overwhelmed with all the busyness of what is normal life for your family. Take it slow and easy and remember One day at a time,with Jesus as your Guide. Our love and prayers go with you. Blessings, Mom and Dad D.

The Michmerhuizens said...

You may be flying right now - we haven't quite figured out the whole flight itenerary - but wanted to post how excited we are to see you tomorrow, D.V. (the Lord Willing). We will pray for safe travel, Anjali's contentment, and good health. We love you all and are so thankful for all the ways God has blessed you already while in India and for so many answered prayers. Love, Matt & Kris, Britton, Karley, Ella, & Levi

joan b. said...

Today is the big day when you introduce Anjali to your other kids!!! What a precious gift God has given you. Thanks for sharing the updates and the pictures - love the one of Anjali sleeping on Kevin's chest - precious! We'll pray for a smooth adjustment into your family - it looks like you're off to a great start. Blessings to all of you!