Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweet and a little sassy

You may be wondering what happened to us yesterday but we did not have time to write due to a busy day and our night flight to Delhi. We arrived very late last night in Delhi and went to bed when we arrived at our hotel. We are all doing great and are truly having a great time in India! Being here has made us even more thankful for the things that we have been blessed with.
Sunday was a great day with Anjali. We went for breakfast in the morning and then ventured out to the pool again for the afternoon. The weather in Mumbai was beautiful with sunny skies and warm (high 90's). When we took our her swimsuit she looked at both of us and shook her head no. It is very obvious to us when she doesn't care for something. We still went down to the pool (Anjali with her clothes on) and she took a nap in the shade. We see her little sassy side come out when she doesn't want something, doesn't want dad to help her or isn't interested in doing something. She kinda has this on/off switch for Kevin--sometimes he's Ok and other times she shakes her head no to him when he tries to help her or walk with her. She had french fries at the pool today and loved to dip them in the ketsup. After spending some time at the pool we packed, ate dinner and walked around Juhu beach for a while. It is amazing how many people are down there and how busy it is. Trying to cross the the street is about impossible and you are basically risking your life to do so. Before we left the hotel one of the receptionists who fell in love with her asked her when she was going to come back to see her and Anjali said "soon" in Marathi and then the girl asked her who she was going home with and she said "aa-ee" and "baba" which is mom and dad. It is just the best to hear her say this!
Anjali did great on her first plane ride as she slept the whole way there and did not wake up until we got to the hotel. She was roaring to go after sleeping the whole plane ride (about 2 hours) but I read her a few books, told her it was time to go "zoppa" and she laid right down and went to sleep. This girl is the best sleeper ever. We can see that she is used to sleeping with lots of noise and probably even lights on. She sleeps so good at night!
Monday morning we woke up and needed to be ready to go with our driver to the Embassy at 9:00. We arrived there and completed what we could complete today, had her medical exam done and need to return Tuesday morning at 9:00 to complete the visa immigration interview. She was awesome the whole morning and sticks pretty close to mom's side. Every now and then she'll say something in Marathi and then looks at me and just smiles.
We were going to go out for lunch but she was getting tired (so was dad) so we asked our driver to take us back to the hotel. Anjali and dad are sleeping right now!
We continue to learn so much about her every day. Kevin and I often look at each other and can't even believe how good she is. God's plan could not be more obvious to us and the fact that He placed her in our family is just more evidence that God doesn't make mistakes. We love this little chic to pieces already! She has been so much fun in 2 days that we can't wait to see what the next few bring! Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight--Jesus loves the little children of the world and so do we!


Sara said...

Carm and Kev, It sounds like she is doing so well which is such an answer to so many prayers!! I just love seeing all the pictures she is soooo cute. Lauryn and Logan know exactly which day you come home this week and are so excited to meet Anjali.Logan says he is going to bring her one of his cars!! It is too cute!! She is so loved by everyone!! We miss you and we will see you soon. Tyler, Sara Lauryn and Logan

The Michmerhuizens said...

Thanks for the updates. A little worry crept in yesterday when we didn't "hear" anything but knew that it would be busy and it sounds like it was. So glad things are going well - many prayers have been offered for this. The best is when she refers to you as mom and dad - that starts tears rolling for sure!! We are excited for you to come home. The pictures make us anxious to meet this precious little girl in person and the kids are anxious to meet their new cousin in person. We'll continue to pray for safety, smooth sailing at the embassy, and peace for Anjali. Matt & Kris, Britton, Karley, Ella, and Levi

Tricia said...

Hey Carmen and Kevin, She wouldn't be a child of yours if she wasn't a little sweet and sassy now would she? I think she's a perfect fit for your family. I love all the pictures! I just got the last two hours of work off Thursday so I can greet you at the airport. I look forward to meeting Anjali. May your next few day's go smoothly and without any glitches. God Bless, Tricia