Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The waiting is almost over!

In one week from today Kevin and I will be on our way to Mumbai!! We fly to Detroit with a stop in Amsterdam and then on to Mumbai with a total travel time of about 19 hours. We will arrive in Mumbai at about 1:00 in the morning their time Thursday which is about 1:30 in the afternoon Wednesday our time. We are busy packing away and getting all of those last minute details figured out and in place. This has been an amazing journey for our family and we are looking so forward to finally meeting this little blessing that God has given to us. We thank Him for the many ways in which he has guided us in this journey and pray that his protection and peace will be with us as we travel and for the kids at home. Pray that Anjali will do well with meeting us as the world that is familiar to her now is about to change so much. We can't wait to finally see her in person in 8 days!


Judy said...

Dear Carmen,Kevin Austin,Mariahand Nolan:
The time is drawing near for your family to see your new daughter and sister. The feelings must be indescrible, but we know this is all in God's hands and he has promised that he will make the path straight. We will contiue to be in prayer for all of you but especially for Anjali as she will come to a whole new world that God has ordained for her. We can't wait to share our love with her as her grandparents and see her enjoy her new family and all her special cousins and friends! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep Looking Up!

Craig and Caryn Toering Family said...

We are so excited for you. You are in our prayers for safe travels, quick bonding, health and that the family left behind will do great while you bring home their sister!
The Toering's
Craig, Caryn, Chelsie, Caitlyn, Cristofer and Carlie

Anonymous said...

Kevin, Carmen and kids,
Thanks for sending us your blog. We will keep checking it. I will forward it on to the rest of the Postmas. We will be thinking and praying for as you continue your journey. Anjali is a beautiful girl and is lucky to have you as her new family.
Chris, Kristie, Zach and Ashlyn

Unknown said...

Wow...the time is here!! The Veldink's will be praying for you. We can't wait to meet Angeli!!

James1:27 said...

We are so excited for you guys as you leave tomorrow! Tomorrow you will meet your new daughter! What a blessing. Praying for safe travel and that God blesses your time there with Angali.

LOve,Chris and Michelle Fisher