Thursday, November 13, 2008

A day to remember

Hello from Mumbai India! We made it on time and things went very well. Thanks for all of your prayers for safe travel as we definitely felt God's peace and protection. After 4 hours of sleep we woke up this morning to go to the orphanage to meet Anjali. The excitement driving there was unbelievable and the driver even got lost a few times so the ride was a little longer than expected. The sights that we saw on the way were at times very difficult to see and it made us really appreciate what we have been blessed with.
We arrived at the orphanage and first of all meet with the director who talked with us about Anjali and told us a little bit about her and how they have been preparing her for her parents to come. Hearing her say "Anjali's parents" was so great to hear. We couldn't believe we were so close to finally getting to meet our daughter. We waited on the couch just inside of the building for the staff to bring her out and we imagined what she would look like and how she would react to us. She came peering around the corner like she was "Miss India" herself. They had dressed her in an Indian dress with shoes and a headband in her hair so she would look beautiful. Many of her friends followed behind her. The staff then said to her "Anjali here are your parents-Mommy and Daddy."She walked over to us and we both held her on our laps.It was a feeling we had never experienced before and it was amazing.
We then hung around the orphanage with her and walked around to the different areas of the building. She was quiet the first half and hour but then did start warming up to both of us. As we took pictures of her several other kids wanted to look at the pictures on the camera with her and they would say her name and then at one point she said "mommy and daddy" while pointing to us in a picture. It was priceless!!
We were able to be in the lunch room as all of the kids ate and she was doing great laughing with the other kids and even wanting mommy to help her finish her food. We even heard giggles from her today.
We'll tell more of the details later but for now we have some pictures of our first meeting today. We are so excited for her to meet her brothers and sister, other family members and friends. God's plan has been revealed to us with the blessing of Anjali. We both walked away today as we left the orphange that God placed her in our family according to His perfect plan. She is definitely a blessing from God.


Sara said...

Wow What an awesome feeling that must have been to see her finally in person!! We are praying for you that the next few days go well and that she will bond with you both!! I can't wait to see pictures of Anjali! We love you all!!!

Unknown said...

Great to hear your news of the trip so far, What a awesome day that must have been. We are praying you thru.


Unknown said...

What an exciting day for you! I had tears in my eyes as I read your post. I can only imagine the emotions you guys are feeling. I am thanking God for a good day with Anjali yesterday and praying for more of the same today. Avery woke up this morning and said that he had a dream about Anjali. He said that he dreamt that she was already home, spoke really good english and lived at OUR house.... .hmmmm.... little minds with big ideas!

The Brinkerts

Taylors said...

I couldn’t wait to read about your first day this morning. The excitement, anticipation and then the moment the three of you have been waiting for, meeting for the first time. I'm praying for Anjali today. That she may feel the presence of God and have His love and protection during these first meetings. The Taylors

The DeGroot's said...

Kevin and Carmen -- What an answer to prayer that your meeting with Anjali went so well. We pray that you enjoy the rest of your time in India with Anjali, and have a safe trip back to your family and friends. Can't wait to see pictures of her!
Love -- Michelle