Thursday, November 13, 2008

More pictures


Sara said...

Kevin and Carmen, She is a doll!! I had tears in my eyes when I see the pictures of you with her. I am so excited for you both!! I can't believe you can take her home next week. I will continue to pray that that things go well and that Anjali will do good on friday as she leaves her India home and friends. Take Care Love you all!! p.s. Carmen I can't believe how much her hair is grown!!

Anonymous said...

Kevin and Carmen,
It brings tears to my eyes looking at you guys with Angali right there next to you. She is a beautiful girl. Can't wait to meet her.
continued prayers,

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! It truly is a beautiful site to GOD's work... can't wait to be called Maushi :)

brenda said...

We have had a lot of fun reading your notes and seeing the new pictures! Sydney said, "She is such a cutie! and "I want a sister from India!" She especially liked the picture of your hands all touching- how precious! God has surely blessed your family in more ways than one. We had chills reading about your first meeting and your feelings. We will contine to pray for you and your health and the plane ride home. We can't wait to meet our newest addition to the neighborhood- we may need to "ease" her into the slight chaos that we see at times!!

Tricia said...

Hi Kevin and Carmen, Your little girl is so prescious. Hi Anjali! I'm your Aunt Tricia, I can't wait to meet you honey. Congratulations, I hope all is going well for all of you as you begin your life journey together. God bless you in your travels. Love, Tricia