Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We have her visa!

We arrived at the Embassy this morning just as they were opening and turned in the rest of the paperwork for the visa. We waited for about a half an hour and then had the interview where they ask you a few questions about the adoption agency, the orphanage and our experience with the Embassy. After this we were told we could wait in the lobby and they would try to have it ready within a half an hour. We waited along with another family from New Jersey that we met who was adopting a 14 month old boy. After waiting about 20 minutes we received the visa and we headed off to do some sightseeing. We visited a Muslim mosque, a Buddhist temple and some other sights in Delhi and also did some shopping. We ate dinner tonight at Lodi, a wonderful restaurant in Delhi.
She definitely is opening up to us as we seen her laugh and giggle alot today and talk. It's amazing how quickly she is learning how to communicate with us. We are learning that she is not a little girl who likes to be told no-no. We said it to her a few times today when we were out and about and she said it to us tonight when she didn't want something. When heading back to the hotel room we asked her if she wanted to see Austin, Mariah and Nolan on the computer and she seemed excited about this and started blowing kisses which is what she does when she sees them on the computer. She loves to see the kids, Nana and Grandma Sherlene and Grandpa Jerry on the computer. We feel she is beginning to know who they are and we keep telling her she will see "bahu's" (brothers) and "akka" (sister) soon.
Throughout out the day we were once again reminded how blessed we are to live in the U.S.A. When driving through the city Kevin and I kept thinking that maybe the next mile will be better and less poverty and homeless people and kids and moms begging for food and money but this is not really the case. Today we were approached at one of the intersection by a one legged man begging for food. We didn't have any food to give him but Kevin did hand him a bottle of water. After he gave it to the man, the man threw it and asked for money. He was probably wanting money to go buy a drink.
Tonight we took a walk out side the hotel area and sat on the patio and Anjali had some chocolate candies. Kevin learned that having candy so close to bedtime for her was not the best to do. She had a hard time when we got back to the room and didn't want to go to sleep. When we told her "zoppa" (sleep) she shook her head no. She cried for a while but is resting quietly now. She ate really well today. She loved her yogurt with granola for breakfast, bananas and a granola bar this afternoon and fish and french fries for dinner. She likes her warm milk a couple times a day too.
Please continue to pray for a safe trip home. We are getting very excited to see the kids. We are sure that Anjali is excited to see them as well. She takes a little while to warm up to people she doesn't know but when she does she is irresistible. Thanks again for your prayers and comments on the blog. It has helped to made this a wonderful journey. It has been the trip of a lifetime that is for sure!


Austin Diekevers said...

I was just overwhelmed when you showed us the VISA!!!! We just thank the LORD for being so good, so loving so faithful and above all our Lord and Savior. We are so Blessed and can't wait to have you all home again and to meet this precious little girl God has blessed you with. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings flow!!!! See You Soon, Mom and Dad

Sara said...

Kevin, Carmen and Anjali
We are so excited that you are coming home soon. We are so thankful everything went well at the embassy. WE will pray for a safe trip home and that Anjali will do well on the plane ride. We are getting so excited to see her and feel so blessed to have a new cousin and neice.We love you all!!
Tyler, Sara, Lauryn and Logan

Lisa said...

We can't wait for you to come home! I'm trying to figure out If we can meet you at the airport - but I work til 2:30 - and the kids are out of school at 3 - so we may miss you! I'm sure you will be exhausted....
So, we will maybe meet you at your house??? or something....
Love Lisa, Greg, Joz and jada

Judy said...

Dear Carmen and Kevin and Anjali:
God has sure blessed you beyond what we could imagine, Your new daughter is beautiful, and a child of God.
Your children are ready to have their Mom and Dad back, but they have been so good ,Iam enjoying them so Much. Iam glad you have Anjali's visa in hand ,that must be such a great feeling. Thinking of all of you as you prepare to come home and asking God for traveling mercies,and for healthy bodies for this last leg of your trip. Love you all so much and can't wait till we can get to know Anjali better. God bless and KEEP LOOKING UP! LOVE MOM MICH

Taylors said...

Wow! It's getting close now for the long plane ride home. Yeah! It's been a blessing and a joy to read about and see your experiences. Rachael asked me to give you an idea of something that was very helpful for Jade when we first came home. Before we left China we bought some chinese CD's of children singing. She loved them! They were very comforting for her to hear other children in the Chinese language. It's been awesome to watch Gods plan working out in your family! Keep up the Faith!
The Taylors

Taylors said...
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