Friday, November 14, 2008

We have Anjali

What a day it has been. This morning Kevin and I enjoyed breakfast at the hotel and then waited for our driver to get us and take us to pick up Anjali. We arrived at the orphanage and met with Anjali shortly afterwards. We brought along a bag of candy to share with the other kids in her room. She seemed so proud to be able to hand these out to all of her friends and they were so excited to be getting a piece of candy or as the kids call it "chocolate". We then played with Anjali and had a great time just getting to know her. She was doing good this morning and continued with the smiles to both of us and holding our hands. Kevin and I then left for lunch and the social worker told us that we could take Anjali for lunch with us. Kevin and I decided that this would not be a good idea to take her out and then have to take her back for the afternoon for her farewell party and our last meeting with the social worker to discuss her schedule and things like that. Turns out we made the right decision.
We arrived back after lunch and met with the social worker and then went out to see Anjali. She did not come to us as quickly now and looked at us like "you're still here?" and each of us said hi to her. This is when her wonderful world came crashing in on her. She stared to cry quietly and tried so hard to hold the tears back. At this point they still had to have the farewell party for her and she did not even look at us during this. This was heart wrenching but we both knew this was part of the process and that we knew she really did love her friends and staff workers. We talked with the social worker and she said most kids cry and that this is normal. We knew it was but it was so hard to see her heartache. We walked to the entrance of the orphanage and one of the social workers was carrying her and Anjali was crying. Kevin carried her to the cab and she started kicking, flailing and crying loudly. We knew at this point as we were driving away that we needed to let her work it out. She cried for about 5 minutes and then started settling down and sat on Carmen's lap for the hour and a half ride to our hotel. She was very quiet for the ride.
Once we got to the hotel we had a woman who spoke Marathi tell her what we were doing and that we would stay at this hotel for a few nights and then another one after that and then we would fly home on an airplane. I think it was comforting for Anjali to hear someone who spoke her language. The language is a barrier but we know with time that will come.
After we arrived at the hotel she started warming up to us again and wanted to hold our hands. We even seen the smile again tonight.We are getting eye contact and she accepts our affection and hugs and kisses although doesn't give them back yet. That will come with time. I gave her a bath tonight with bubbles and she seemed to really enjoy it. We washed her hair and she looked so cute in her new PJ's.
We are so happy to finally have her with us even though it was heart wrenching witnessing her grief and sorrow today. She is sleeping soundly right now and it only took her about 5 minutes to fall asleep. We are so in love with her already and are so excited for friends and family to meet her. She is a beautiful blessing to our family.


Tricia said...

Oh my! You have to stop making me cry. I am so happy for all of you, what a blessing your family is and will continue to be for Anjali.She is just so beautiful. I think of what Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Dykhouse would say to Anjali.This has been a long road and quite an experience for you, may God bless you in the day's ahead. Love & Hugs sent your way, Tricia

Austin Diekevers said...

Kevin ,Carmen and Anjali, How we just ache to hold you all. I can't imagine all the joy that is flooding your hearts and souls right now. God Bless you and Keep you Safe!!! Love, Mom

Sara said...

Hi Kevin, carmen and Anjali, Lauryn, Logan and I are praying so much for you both right now as we just finished reading your post. My heart aches for Anjali as she is grieving all she has ever known and my heart aches for you both as you are trying to comfort her right now. We will continue to pray for things to go smooth the next few days and for Anjali to bond with her new mommy and daddy. There are so many people praying for you and your new daughter we hope you can feel it. We love you!! Give her a hug from us we can't wait to see her!!!

Austin Diekevers said...

hey mom and dad
i thank you for all you do and all you are going to do and already done for this little beautiful girl
hugs and kisses
your son

Unknown said...

Hi Anjali -

Kinsey is wondering if you would like to play dolls when you get home. She is hoping that you will!
We pray that this time of transition will be smooth and you will all grow as a new family!
We can't wait to see you!
John, Tami, Zach, Avery and Kinsey

Judy said...

Dear Carmen and Kevin and Anjali:
Iam crying so hard right now I can hardly see the screen, but we know that our loving Lord will wrap his loving arms around all of you and hold you close. PrAYING THAT aNJALI WILL FEEL YOUR Love and she will even feel God's love flowing through both of you. ephesians 3:20 " Now unto him who can do immeasurablsy more than we could even ask or imagine,according to the power that is at work within me, glory in the church and in Christ Jesusthoughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen " Just think God ordained for you to have this beautiful little girl before the beginning of time, and God's promises are true. Love you all so much and can't wait until you come home! KEEP LOOKING UP!! Love MomMich

brenda said...

Sydney says, "Dear Anjali I can't wait to meet you. It will be fun playing with you and the other girls in the neighborhood. I hope you feel better about leaving your friends. I am sure they will miss you too." Ethan played with Matthew and Nolan a little bit tonight outside. Ethan is having a hard time figuring out all this about Anjali! He says "where is India anyway?!" God Bless,
Jeff, Brenda, Sydney, & Ethan Nyenhuis

soccergeek04 said...

We are so happy for you and your family! We thank God for great times and for his faithfulness! My God bless you and keep you safe in your travels. We look forward to meeting little Anjali.
Ashley Z. and family

Unknown said...

Kevin, Carmen I can't imagine all the emotions running thru you guys right now. I pray the joy is great and that Anjali will continue to bond and smile and laugh and take in her new parents. I laugheed thru some tears as I saw the bath tub piture and thought of Carmen washing her for the first time. She's probably never felt so clean. Hope your Saturday is going well....Rick

Dave and Lori said...

Pictures are an awesome invention, it is wonderful to be able to pray and now see the union you are sharing with Anjeli. God bless each one of you, we will keep the faith and prayers going strong! Lots of love, the Schuitema family

Tricia said...

Hi guy's, I was wondering how do you say/spell "Aunt Tricia" I'll have to learn another language. I have lost my dear friend Bernadette this week. All the good news and photos of you with Anjali are a blessing to me at this time. I love you guy's and now I need to go to bed. How is the time change? Goodnight for now. Love, Tricia

Austin Diekevers said...

She is beautiful. Had a wonderful time with the kids. God bless you and your new daughter.

Austin Diekevers said...

hi mom and dad!!! i had a blast looking at anjali's pictures i love the one when she is in the bathtube and the one when her pj's are on!!!!
i hope everything is going well for you guys. have fun in INDIA!!!
your daughter,
mariah jane

Anonymous said...

Hi Carmen and Kevin,
So now you have seen India!!! I am glad you took a private taxi :)
Young children in India are not used to fathers helping them with their clothes and such. Its mommy's job. I can imagine her crying, Mark and I had moist eyes reading that. If you can tell her that there is someone here in GR who speaks Marathi, she might feel some comfort. Let us know if we can help with anything.
God Bless you all!

Lisa said...

Hey Kev and Carmen! We miss you tons! Anjali is amazing! She will have her first taste of snow when she gets here. Come home safely - we can't wait to see you! Our prayers are with you every day! Joz and Jada have been praying too.

Love Greg and Lisa