Monday, November 17, 2008

A relaxing afternoon

We had a nice afternoon after Anjali and dad took a nap. We hung out in our hotel room for a while and read books, colored, played with stickers and practiced counting. Anjali counted to 15 in English almost all by herself which we thought was pretty good. We are so proud of this girl and the things that she has already learned in 3 days with us. We know that she loves to watch videos as we brought some along and she enjoyed watching one tonight. We are off to bed now as we have a busy day tomorrow at the Embassy again and then some local sight seeing attractions that our driver would like to show us. We are looking forward to it. We'll post some pics of the fun we had on tomorrows post. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and comments so far and for the prayers you continue to lift up for us. We appreciate it so much!


Dave and Lori said...

Kevin, Carmen, and Anjali, We pray that the next two days go smoothly, and God continues to guide each of you. I asked my mom about the flight to and from India, and she said it was grueling, so we will definitely pray for smooth flying especially for Anjali. You might already be doing this, but I know for my trip to Haiti it was wonderful to journal each day about our experiences, (just a thought). Well, we love you all, Lori and family

Andy and Michele said...

Kevin, Carmen, and Anjali,

We will pray for a safe trip home soon. She is such a little cutie and already can tell she will fit in perfectly in your family. The kids cannot wait to meet her in person finally, and neither can we. We will pray for your safety in the next few days!

Andy and Michele

Daryl said...

Kevin, Carmen and Anjali - thanks for all the updates and pictures. Anjali looks like a precious little girl. Adopting gives such a beautiful picture of God's unconditional love, doesn't it?! We'll be praying for you in your last days in India and also for your long plane ride home. What a beautiful gift you've been given. Love, Daryl, Ruth and the girls.