Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our last post from home

We are leaving for the airport in about an hour!! We can hardly believe this time has come but we are so excited. We are trusting in our great and powerful God who knows the path before us and the journey He has put us on. If you would pray for the following things we would be so grateful. Please pray for safety while traveling (the next 19 hours), our first meeting with Anjali and her bonding/attatchment with us, our health, and that God will be close to our kids at home as we will miss them so much! I know this is several requests but we pray that God will answer each one as He sees fit. We thank you so much for your encourgaemnt and prayers that have led us thorugh this amazing journey and that will sustain us the next nine days. We give God all the praise! Our next post will be from India!! Thanks for praying!


Janna said...

Our family will be praying for your incredible journey. I love the itinerary on the side; it will be a wonderful way for us to know how to cover you in prayer. I'm already looking forward to your next update!

Stacey said...

we will be praying for your family as you travel and begin to bond with your daughter. my husband also works for GFS and we received the prayer request along with your blog link today. we cannot wait to see pictures of your family together! praying for a safe journey for all.......

Sara said...

Hi Guys, It is 10:00 pm on tuesday and I am thinking of you both. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. My prayer right now is that you can rest a little and that the rest of the flight goes well!! We love you so much and can't wait till we see her!! Lauryn and Logan both said a prayer for you tonight. Be safe and we will talk to you soon!! Tyler and Sara

joan b. said...

Hi, Kevin and Carmen - We are following your itinerary and praying for you so far away from home. You will be meeting your daughter in two hours!!!! We can hardly wait for you to post pictures -
God bless you!

Andy and Michele said...

We are looking forward to you meeting Anjali! What an exciting time in your lives and hers. God has surely blessed you and is about to bless Anjali's life. We will be thinking of you two.

Dave and Lori said...

Dear Kevin and Carmen, We are counting down the minutes now, in less than an hour you will see Anjeli! It is so amazing, God is so good! We pray that you will feel His presence all around you and His peace within you. In Christ, Dave and Lori and kids