Saturday, November 22, 2008

We are home!!

We returned home late on Thursday night around 11:30 pm. This was later than what we had planned as we missed the flight out of Amsterdam and had to rebook for the later afternoon flight. So after 36 hours of being in an airplane or waiting at airports we were home safely and completely exhausted. We had several friends and family who greeted us at the airport--it was so great to see all of you there even though it was late. Thanks so much for coming!!
We are doing well at home. Anjali loves the kids around has even spent time playing with some neighbor kids who came over to visit. She enjoys playing and is learning new words every day. She amazes us at how quickly she is picking up new words. She is eating lots of new foods and doing well with that. The sleeping is hard right now as she is still on her India time clock. Last night she woke up crying at 2:30am and pointed to her mouth indicating she was hungry. She then ate 2 bowls of cereal and some yogurt. It is just going to take some time for her to get used to the time change between here and India. Kevin and I are dealing with the time difference yet and trying to catch up on sleep that we missed the last few days.
It has been an incredible journey so far and appreciate all this things people did for us while we were gone and those of who loved and watched the kids. We are blessed and grateful for the blessing of loving friends and family.
Please continue to pray that Anjali will adjust to life here and continue to bond with mom and dad. This is different when lots of kids are around and she wants to be with them and play. Mom and dad don't seem as cool as her sister and brothers.
I'll post some pictures of her first days at home real soon!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Kevin and Carmen, We are all so happy you made it home safe. Anjali is the cutest little girl and the kids thought she was so cool. That is all they talk about now-their NEW cousin. We are also greatful she is doing so well at home. What an answer to prayer!! We can't wait to see her again Lauryn and Logan want to play with her so bad. Talk to you soon. We love you all!! Tyler, Sara, Lauryn and Logan