Thursday, December 4, 2008

Home for 2 weeks

We can hardly believe that we have been home for 2 weeks already. We continue to be so thankful that we were not caught in the middle of the terrorist activity that occurred in Mumbai last week and that we have Anjali home with us. We thank and give God praise for his perfect timing and plan in this journey. Please continue to keep the people of Mumbai in your prayers as this came as a shock to them as well. Mumbai will always have a special place in our hearts as it is Anjali's birthplace and where we first met her.
Anjali is doing great. We were talking as a family the other night and we all said that it feels like she has been with us so much longer than 2 weeks and that we couldn't imagine life without this precious little girl. She has been an amazing blessing to our family and we are once again reminded that God knows all of the details and that our family was the perfect family for her. She is learning so much every day and is really picking up on English quickly. Every day she says new words and tries to tell us what she needs or wants. She is eating really well and tries new foods often. One of her favorite things to eat is Rice Krispie bars--she will go to the pantry and try to find them as I had to put them up out of her reach. She also loves to eat popcorn at night with Austin and even fell asleep the other night while she was eating it. One thing we have discovered is that she is so ticklish. She loves to play with the kids and has the best giggle when they are playing with her and tickling her. She loves to see them when they come home from school in the afternoon.
We had a great day his past Saturday when we went out to cut our Christmas tree. We missed Austin as he was invited by a friend to attend the high school football championship games that day. The weather was perfect for being outside and we had a great time looking for the perfect tree. Anjali seemed to have a good time on the wagon ride and walking in the field.
The hardest part for her continues to be bedtime. Please pray that this will become easier for her in the weeks to come. Once she is sleeping she sleeps well but it is getting her to that point that is hard.
This Christmas Season we have so much to be thankful for. We thank God each day for this beautiful new daughter/sister he has blessed our family with but more importantly we thank Him for the gift of his precious son Jesus Christ who was born in a stable so many years ago for you and for me so that we can have eternal life with Him. That is something to thank Him for!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

We are so thankful you were not in Mumbai when this happened it truly shows God's perfect plan and his protection he had around you all.She is such a doll and sometimes can't believe she is finally here! WE continue to pray every night for your family and that Anjali will keep getting used to her new life!! We love you all and are so happy for you!! Tyler, Sara Lauryn and Logan