Thursday, December 25, 2008


What a wonderful morning it has already been. We woke up this morning and had a great time with our family opening gifts and hanging out with each other! We know that the gifts and presents are fun but we talked with the kids about the real meaning of Christmas and the fact that God loves us so much that he sent his SON to be born in a stable so that someday we may live with Him forever. May we celebrate his birth today and share the love that He has for us with those around us!

We are so thankful that we are able to celebrate this year with "all" of our children. Last year at this time we did not yet know of Anjali--only that God had a special child chosen for us somewhere in India and we were getting very excited to know who she was. God knew (when we didn't) that she would be here with us this year to celebrate the gift of His Son! We are so thankful and filled with excitement that God chose us to be her parents and siblings. We have been given a wonderful gift and are so thankful for all of our children!

May you feel God's love today and thank Him for the greatest gift of all--HIS SON!
Blessings to all of our friends and family on this special day!

1 comment:

ARJUN MS said...

Merry Christmas...... to all