Monday, November 8, 2010

Is it really fall?

We have had a beautiful fall and lots of bright sunny days--today is 65 degrees and I am loving this little stretch of Indian summer!!. We are so thankful for the great weather and that the kids can still play outside without their coats. We have been busy with school, sports, work and church things. Kevin was able to take a trip out west to go hunting but sadly missed the "big one". He will try to do some hunting around home with Austin too. Mariah is enjoying playing basketball and Nolan will soon start it as well. Austin is done with football and enjoys a little break right now before baseball in the early spring. Anjali is loving school and doing well. Can't believe that in a few weeks we will celebrate Thanksgiving--Thank you God for our many blessings!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What a day!!

It has been a great day out here in Montana! We are having an awesome time and enjoying God's beautiful creation!! We arrived at the Bed and Breakfast in Whitefish yesterday and started checking things out. Today we went to the beach, white water rafting and had steak dinners on the riverbank after that. YUM!!! As we were finishing dinner we seen a black bear on the shore of the river who then went swimming across the river. It was so cool to see a bear (I was just glad it didn't come too close). Kevin got some pictures of it so hopefully I can post those soon. Nolan had a blast celebrating his birthday today and even enjoyed cake tonight at the Lodge that we picked up at the bakery. We are having and amazing time together and making some unforgettable memories!!
We are so blessed to be able to do this with our family!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


In the past Summertime has meant more relaxed days, less going on and hanging out with the kids. This summer has been so busy so far and I can't believe it is more than half over. I don't even want to think about that. We have been busy with so many different things but are enjoying the hot weather we are blessed with. We have camped, spent time at the neighbor's pool, been to the beach as much as we can, gone to softball games (lots of them), spent time at the lake on a friend's boat, hanging with friends and are getting ready to go on a long family vacation. We are so excited to take a vacation together and look forward to making many memories before school starts again. The kids are all keeping busy and enjoying the summer days. Here's a look at what we have been up to.

MJ playing softball

Anjali loves to tube

Austin learned how to barefoot at the lake

Having a ball in Grandpa's jeep

Hanging out at the lake on a beautiful summer night

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

From the beginning of time

Three years ago today our adoption application was accepted by Holt International. We knew that we were following God's call to adopt but also knew there were many unknowns in adopting. At that time we requested a girl between the ages of 2-4 from India. We knew God had an incredible plan with all the details already worked out-- the waiting and praying began. We were filled with excitetment as we began to think about the girl that God would bless our home with. We wondered so much about her--how old she would be, what she would look like, what her "story" would be and how she would get along with the other kids and so many other things. Even in the midst of our wondering and excitement God knew because he knows everything that this little girl was to be ours and was in His plan from the beginning of time. How could we have imagined this little princess would be part of our family?

We can't imagine our life without Anjali. He knew how she would touch us, change us and call our family her "forever family". We are so thankful and know that this was God's plan from the begining of time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

She was a gift

Last week Wednesday March 3 God called home one of his beloved saints who happened to be my Grandmother. She was 93 years old but one would never have guessed that if you met her. She was relatively healthy, remembered so many things about all of the kids and great grand kids, enjoyed getting out quite often and loved it when visitors stopped by to see her. She even loved to go shopping. As we laid her to rest today I was reminded of what a loving, dedicated, caring and sweet person she was. I can only imagine the conversation when she met God face to face and when He said "well done my good and faithful servant". What an awesome image that is! We thank God that she did not suffer and that she went to be with Him so peacefully! She was a very special gift to our family-- but Jesus is the best gift any of us can ever get. We have that assurance that we will see her and Grandpa again someday because of Jesus great love for us and his death on a cross. We love you Grandma and we will miss you!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How time flies

Christmas and New Years have come and gone and we're already alomost 2 months into 2010. WOW! We celebrated Anjali and Mariah's brithdays in the past week too. I can't belive our sweet MJ is already 12 years old. She is so much fun and enjoys life. Anjali turned 5 last week-She had a great birthday and had fun with cousins and grandparents at her party. She continues to learn so much and is as sweet as ever. She is so imaginative and loves to play with her horses and read books. The kids have off school tomorrow so we are heading up north to visit some friends and are looking forward to a fun time. There is usually not a dull moment around our house. We have been enjoying the Olympics the past week on TV too.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Where does time go??

One year ago today we walked off the plane with our new daughter and introduced her to her family and many new friends. We can hardly believe that she has been with us for a year. We had the days when we asked each other "what have we done" to days when we could hardly believe that she was finally here with us and we were all together as a family. We love that little girl so much and are so thankful for her loving spirit. She has adjusted so well and is getting so excited for Christmas and has a really long list of things she would love to have. It doesn't matter where kids are from but they all know about gifts and presents.We talk about Christmas and how we celebrate Jesus' birthday and how much he loves all of us.

She is getting ready for a girl's/cousin slumber party tonight at Grandma's and is so excited for it. I'm sure they will have a great time!

We love you Anjali!!