Monday, November 8, 2010

Is it really fall?

We have had a beautiful fall and lots of bright sunny days--today is 65 degrees and I am loving this little stretch of Indian summer!!. We are so thankful for the great weather and that the kids can still play outside without their coats. We have been busy with school, sports, work and church things. Kevin was able to take a trip out west to go hunting but sadly missed the "big one". He will try to do some hunting around home with Austin too. Mariah is enjoying playing basketball and Nolan will soon start it as well. Austin is done with football and enjoys a little break right now before baseball in the early spring. Anjali is loving school and doing well. Can't believe that in a few weeks we will celebrate Thanksgiving--Thank you God for our many blessings!

1 comment:

A Stafford said...

Thinking of you guys on the 2nd anniversary of bringing our girls home. I posted a pic of Anju at the Amsterdam airport on Facebook this morning and remembered spending time with you guys there. How time has marched on since those days! God's richest blessings to your family.