Tuesday, March 16, 2010

From the beginning of time

Three years ago today our adoption application was accepted by Holt International. We knew that we were following God's call to adopt but also knew there were many unknowns in adopting. At that time we requested a girl between the ages of 2-4 from India. We knew God had an incredible plan with all the details already worked out-- the waiting and praying began. We were filled with excitetment as we began to think about the girl that God would bless our home with. We wondered so much about her--how old she would be, what she would look like, what her "story" would be and how she would get along with the other kids and so many other things. Even in the midst of our wondering and excitement God knew because he knows everything that this little girl was to be ours and was in His plan from the beginning of time. How could we have imagined this little princess would be part of our family?

We can't imagine our life without Anjali. He knew how she would touch us, change us and call our family her "forever family". We are so thankful and know that this was God's plan from the begining of time.


Katie said...
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Katie said...

Wow, I can't believe how big she's getting. I keep forgetting that it has been over a year since I've seen all of you. I hope all is well. I miss all of you! -Katie