Thursday, July 22, 2010


In the past Summertime has meant more relaxed days, less going on and hanging out with the kids. This summer has been so busy so far and I can't believe it is more than half over. I don't even want to think about that. We have been busy with so many different things but are enjoying the hot weather we are blessed with. We have camped, spent time at the neighbor's pool, been to the beach as much as we can, gone to softball games (lots of them), spent time at the lake on a friend's boat, hanging with friends and are getting ready to go on a long family vacation. We are so excited to take a vacation together and look forward to making many memories before school starts again. The kids are all keeping busy and enjoying the summer days. Here's a look at what we have been up to.

MJ playing softball

Anjali loves to tube

Austin learned how to barefoot at the lake

Having a ball in Grandpa's jeep

Hanging out at the lake on a beautiful summer night

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