Monday, March 8, 2010

She was a gift

Last week Wednesday March 3 God called home one of his beloved saints who happened to be my Grandmother. She was 93 years old but one would never have guessed that if you met her. She was relatively healthy, remembered so many things about all of the kids and great grand kids, enjoyed getting out quite often and loved it when visitors stopped by to see her. She even loved to go shopping. As we laid her to rest today I was reminded of what a loving, dedicated, caring and sweet person she was. I can only imagine the conversation when she met God face to face and when He said "well done my good and faithful servant". What an awesome image that is! We thank God that she did not suffer and that she went to be with Him so peacefully! She was a very special gift to our family-- but Jesus is the best gift any of us can ever get. We have that assurance that we will see her and Grandpa again someday because of Jesus great love for us and his death on a cross. We love you Grandma and we will miss you!!!

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