Saturday, September 27, 2008

We have written guardianship

We received the news this week from Mary at Holt that the judge in the Higher Court of Mumbai has issued us full guardianship of Anjali. What this means is that we have cleared all of India's court process and there are no objections by their government to us adopting Anjali. This is a big step in our journey to her as often the court dates get cancelled or postponed which means we would continue to wait. But we have cleared their court system and for that we are so thankful because we know that it brings us that much closer to getting our precious little girl.

It is clear to us that once again God is in control of all of the details -big and small and has a plan in place. He is so amazing!! We are now waiting to get the official piece of paper that states our guardianship of her and then her passport. We are hopeful that we will still travel mid to late November. We are not able to schedule the actual travel date until we have her passport in our hands.

Thanks so much for following us along on this journey. We are SO thankful for all of our family and friends who have shown love, encouragement and support to us. It means so much to us and we thank God for the way He has blessed us with so many who walk along side of us through this journey.


Sara said...

We are so happy for you all!! We are so excited to see this precious little girl! Lauryn and Logan pray and talk about her everyday! She is going to be so loved!!!!! Love you all!
Tyler, Sara Lauryn and Logan

Lori said...

Hi Carmen and Kevin and family! We are so excited for your family! What an amazing blessing! It was so much fun to read your updates and to see the great pictures and video. Anjali looks like such a sweetie! We can't wait to meet her!!! We look forward to catching up with you soon. We'll keep all of you in our prayers! Love, Doug, Lori, Emily, Erica, Matthew, and Anna