Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We Wonder

First of all I can't believe how fast time goes. Where did the first week of October go? We have been very busy lately with school and soccer for Austin and preparing for Anjali to come home! We think of her so much and know that each day we are getting closer to bringing her here to her family. We wonder how big or small she will be. We wonder about what food she will like to eat. We wonder about what toys she will like to play with and what videos she may like to watch. We wonder how she will sleep (we hope it is all night). What will she think of her new bed? (I'll post pictures of the new bedroom and bed soon). We wonder if she will like to ride in the car. Will she like to play in the snow which she has never seen before? Will she learn English quickly? What will she think of going to church? What will she think of going to the store? We wonder what she will think of her "new" family.

There are so many things that we are excited to get to know about this precious girl. It is our prayer that God will prepare her for the many changes that she is about to go though and the way in which her life will be so different. We trust Him to provide for her needs and ours as she joins our family. We know that God is in control of all of this and we know he will watch over her in the transition process. We do not have to wonder about that!


Sara said...

Hi Guys. we are getting so excited to meet anjali, the kids asked AGAIN tonight How many more days?? Love you all!!Sara

Judy said...

Dear Kevin and Carmen:
T~hinking fo you every day and Praying for peace for all of you> WE can't wait to meet our 13th grandchild. Love mom

James1:27 said...

We are so excited for you guys! Only a few more weeks! She is absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing your story on this blog, its encouraging!

Love, chris and michelle fisher