Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our Journey to Anjali

Our adoption journey began in March of 2007 when we filled out the application to Holt International. We had been praying about where God was leading us and after several conversations with other couples who had adopted and researching information about various countries we felt called to look into India. We were very interested in the culture and realized how many kids there needed homes. We completed our homestudy in June 0f 2007 and lots of other paperwork that was necessary to get the process going. It was frustrating at times to complete it all but taking it one day at a time was the key.

We received our referral for Anjali (age 3.5) at the end of April 2008. The minute we heard about her we just knew she was the one whom God had planned and specifically selected for our family. We knew the minute we seen her beautiful face that she was meant to be with us. We know that God has a plan for her and our family and we are excited to welcome her to her forever home in a couple of months.

Earlier today I received an email from our adoption agency informing us that Anjali has been told her parents are coming for her. At 3.5 it is hard to tell how much of this she understands but the staff report that she does know when other kids leave. The staff also said that if they ask her if her parents are coming to get her she shakes her head yes.

We received verbal guardianship last week and are currently waiting for the written order that states that. Once we have the written order and have her passport in our hands we can make travel plans to travel to Mumbai to pick her up. We are hoping to be traveling in a couple of months.

Thanks for joining us on this incredible journey and we will keep you updated on our progress as it happens.


Sara said...

We are so excited for her to come home! Lauryn and Logan pray everyday for her! We love you guys!!! Tyler, Sara Lauryn and Logan

Pat Diekevers said...

What a wonderful family video.We are looking forward to meeting Anjali very soon --we hope--
My brother came from Seoul,Korea when he was 9 yrs old.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Uncle Ken and Aunt Pat Diekevers

joan b. said...

Okay....you could have warned me that the video would be such a tear-jearker. What beautiful songs you chose! Prayers for you as you prepare for your trip to India and welcome your new daughter into your home. Thanks for posting the video and the steps in the adoption process - I'll check back often.