Saturday, September 5, 2009

A busy and fun filled week

The kids started school this week, except Anjali who starts in a couple of weeks. The week went pretty good yet it's hard to believe that school has started. This Holiday weekend has been a nice little break already.
Anjali's adoption was also finalized this week so she is legally ours!! It was a neat ceremony and we are so thankful that Grandpas and Grandmas and Aunt Amy were able to join us for that. Thank you! We really appreciate all of the love and support you have given us. We are so excited that Anjali is forever a member of our family. She is now a citizen of the USA!!!

1 comment:

A Stafford said...

Congrats on the big finalization day! We we so excited to finalize Anju's adoption too. It worked out well to have the start of a school year line up with the adoption finalization- new beginnings for everyone! Greetings to the tiny new US citizen from another tinier new US citizen and God bless you all.