Friday, November 20, 2009

Where does time go??

One year ago today we walked off the plane with our new daughter and introduced her to her family and many new friends. We can hardly believe that she has been with us for a year. We had the days when we asked each other "what have we done" to days when we could hardly believe that she was finally here with us and we were all together as a family. We love that little girl so much and are so thankful for her loving spirit. She has adjusted so well and is getting so excited for Christmas and has a really long list of things she would love to have. It doesn't matter where kids are from but they all know about gifts and presents.We talk about Christmas and how we celebrate Jesus' birthday and how much he loves all of us.

She is getting ready for a girl's/cousin slumber party tonight at Grandma's and is so excited for it. I'm sure they will have a great time!

We love you Anjali!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

One year Ago-Part 2

Our first meeting

One year ago today Kevin and I walked into the orphanage to meet our daughter for the first time. It was an exciting time--I couldn't wait to see her face to face, touch her and just kiss her. It was an amazing day and she warmed up to us by the end of the visit. We are so amazed at how much she has learned since that day and how well she has adjusted to all the new things around her. She has learned a new language, eats different food, has new friends, goes to a new school, lives with her family, wears different clothes, goes to church and many other things. I am not sure how I would have adjusted to all these new things but we are so proud of her and that she has just learned so much. She seems to be very happy (most days--I keep reminding myself she is 4). She loves to sing, listen to music, eat KIT-KATS, color and doodle, go shopping for new clothes, play Legos, play house, ice cream, watching BOZ videos, popcorn, playing outside, camping, going to the beach, going in her sister's bed and even cuddling with mom on those days when we can sleep in a little.
We are so thankful for the many blessings we have and we continue to thank God for the amazing adoption story we have to tell. We know that he guided us each step of the way on our journey and placed Anjali in our family for a reason. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts for our family the last year--we couldn't have done it without the support of friends and family.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One Year Ago

We were warmly welcomed on our arrival in Mumbai

The long plane ride to Mumbai

Anjali's referral photo

It's hard to believe that one year ago we were on a airplane for many hours beginning our (physical) journey to India to pick up our daughter. We could hardly believe that we were going to meet Anjali who was already so loved in our hearts and who we had been praying for so long. As I rode on that airplane one year ago I kept thinking with each passing hour that we were getting closer to holding this precious little girl in our arms! I remember crying couple of times as I thought about her and that she was in for a really big change in leaving her familiar world to come home! We prayed for her and that she would bond with us and that God would give her peace about it all.
It has been an amazing year with many blessing and some challenges but God has shown his faithfulness and plan. This little girl is such a blessing and we are so thankful that God has given us the privilege to be her parents and family. We love you Anjali! I'll write more about her soon and what she has been up to in the last several months.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Princess and an Army Ranger

Nolan and Anjali had fun tonight dressing up and going around the neighborhood with other kids. We are not big fans of Halloween day but it is fun for the kids to dress up and get some candy. Since it wasn't too warm Anjali did start getting a little cold, looked in her basket and told me "I have enough candy, let's go home now." I think she thought the whole idea of going to people's doors and saying "trick or treat" and then they give you candy was a neat thing. She and Nolan had fun tonight. Mariah stayed back at the house and passed out candy. Austin had some friends over and watched a movie and the World Series (and enjoyed candy).

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A busy and fun filled week

The kids started school this week, except Anjali who starts in a couple of weeks. The week went pretty good yet it's hard to believe that school has started. This Holiday weekend has been a nice little break already.
Anjali's adoption was also finalized this week so she is legally ours!! It was a neat ceremony and we are so thankful that Grandpas and Grandmas and Aunt Amy were able to join us for that. Thank you! We really appreciate all of the love and support you have given us. We are so excited that Anjali is forever a member of our family. She is now a citizen of the USA!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is it FALL?

With the cooler temperatures today it feels like it is more like Fall than late August! It sure has been a strange day with the weather. It was a nice morning for a bike ride though with great friends. The kids played inside for a while then when the sun came out they were back outside. Looking forward to worshiping our awesome creator tomorrow.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lazy days of summer are almost over


It is hard to believe that in one week from Monday the kids are going back to school. Austin is excited to be staring high school and is enjoying playing football. He is going to be one busy kid when he adds homework to his plate. Mariah is excited too for 6th grade and looking forward to be in Middle school. She is also playing fall softball for about a month so that should keep her (and her parents)busy as well. Nolan is looking forward to 1st grade and is excited that he has a couple of his friends in his class. Anjali is more than excited to go to preschool and I'm sure 2 mornings will hardly be enough for her. I can't believe that she is already going to school. I am certain that she is going to love every minute of it!!

Yesterday was the 9 month anniversary that Anjali arrived in America. I was thinking of all the things she has learned in that time and how proud of her we all are! She is an amazing little girl, sweet natured, sensitive, willing to try new things and so full of love. She is speaking English so well and using words in the correct context. I think so much of last summer when we thought about her constantly and how we wondered what she would be like and what kind of personality she would have. God is so good and his ways are perfect--his choosing our family for her was perfect. Sometimes it seems like she has been with us for much longer than 9 months. I know that adoption is not for everyone but if there are any of you out there considering it or having thaoughts about it take it to God on your knees in prayer. She has been such a blessing to our family and we can't imagine not having followed God's call for our family. When God led us down the long path of adoption we did have doubts at times about it but we have learned that when you do step out in faith and follow God's leading he will bring blessing. We continue to praise him and thank him everyday for his faithfulness to us!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Can it really be that August is almost here? Where has summer gone? Our family has been keeping busy and yet we are trying to enjoy the days of summer that are going by too quickly.
Austin graduated from 8th grade and will soon be heading to high school--Yes, I did say High School. We can hardly believe that our oldest is already 14 and going into high school. He is very excited and is also going to play football this fall. He is looking forward to this and wants to give it a try. He has had a lot of fun this summer wake boarding and hanging out with friends.
Mariah finished up with softball last weekend. After the regular season finished she played on the All-Star team and had so much fun meeting new people and playing ball. We are so proud of her as she played very well and learned so much. She has been a big helper to mom this summer and watches her sister when I have some work to do. She hangs out with friends and enjoys baking too.
Nolan just turned 7 last weekend. Can't believe that he is going to be a 1st grader in just a few weeks.He loves to be outside and has been catching frogs in the pond (swamp ) behind our house. He also had a lot of fun playing baseball this summer with Kevin as the coach!
Anjali has been home now for 8 months. She continues to do well and is growing a little I think! She plays with a little girl in the neighborhood and they have lots of fun together. She has adjusted amazingly well since coming home. She had a blast camping and is learning how to swim. We love her so much!!
Our friends from Canada (Conrad, Rhonda and their son David) were in town this past weekend and we had a awesome time with them. We are so blessed by their friendship and we are thankful that they were able to come and spend some time with our family.
We thank God for his many blessings and praise Him for them.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Anjali's special day

I can't believe over a month has gone by since I have posted last. I have really good intentions some days and it just gets busy and I need to tend to other things. We had a great vacation in Florida and enjoyed the family time--It was so fun to hang out at the pool and beach and just to be together!
Anjali was baptized in our church on 4/26 and it was a very special day. She did so good and did not seem to mind the water as it was dripping down her face. It was a great day for our family to see her welcomed into our church as one of God's children. She is so special and knows that Jesus loves her. As I sat there that day I thought of how God has adopted us all as His children and how he loves us all no matter where we are from or what color our skin may be. We thank God every day for the blessing of Anjali and our other children and the fact that he "adopts" us all into his forever family. I am so thankful for the love God has for us and for the many blessings He has given us. I am so thankful that He chose us to be parents of our 4 special kids and that they love Jesus.
Anjali wore a dress for her baptism that we had purchased in the market in India. She truly looked like a little Indian princes that day and seemed very proud. We are so proud of her and the way she has adjusted to life with our family. She brings alot of joy to our family. It's hard to believe that she has been home alomost six months.
Austin has been keeping busy with school, baseball and track. We can't believe that he graduates from middle school in a little over 3 weeks! He has been having alot of fun with friends too and enjoys getting together with them on the weekends to hang out.
Mariah has also been busy with school and softball. She is having fun playing pitcher and catcher on her team and is doing a great job.
Nolan had his first game last night and the team won by one run. It was so fun to watch him pitch to kids and play catcher too. He had some great hits and runs fast around the bases. Nolan graduates from Kindergarten on 3 weeks--I can't believe he will be going to school every day next year. It will be an adjustment for him as he really enjoys being home with Mom and Anjali a couple of days a week.
Kevin and I can't believe how fast time goes. We try to cherish every day and know that each day is a gift!