Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Camping

This past weekend the kids did not have school so we went on our annual camping trip to Ludington State Park. We had a great day on Thursday, some rain on Friday and Saturday turned out to be nice so we were able to do some hiking. It was a great family weekend with the kids and some friends. Here are some pictures of the weekend.

Monday, October 27, 2008

We're coming soon Anjali!!

We can hardly believe we have our tickets and that it is getting so close to meeting our daughter (and sister) for the first time. Kevin and I are leaving for India on Tuesday, November 11 to pick her up. We are so excited to be at this point in the journey and are preparing for our trip to finally hold her in our arms. We have made all of our flight and hotel reservations and have things lined up for getting around India. Our agency has been helpful and does offer recommendations and assistance with some of those things which has been great. We arrive in India very late on the 12th and will meet her at the orphanage on Thursday the 13th. We will be able to see where she has been living and spend some time with her on that day. We will then return on Friday to CWB and take her with us that day and she will be be ours! We spend the first part of the trip in Mumbai and then fly to Delhi on Sunday night. There will be a few appointments at the US Embassy on Monday and Tuesday and possibly Wednesday. At this point we are scheduled to arrive at home on Thursday afternoon November 20 where her big brothers and adoring sister will be anxiously waiting to meet her!

We thank you for your continued prayers for Anjali and for us as we prepare to travel and leave Austin, Mariah and Nolan at home for a while. Pray that all of the final details will be worked out and that we can enjoy some family time before we become a family of 6. We know that there are many who are praying us through and we feel so blessed to have friends and family who will be helping us out. We appreciate all of you! God has blessed us!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The room is ready!



I know it has been a while since I posted but it has been a few busy weeks around here. This week I was working on completing the paperwork that we need to take to India with us to the US Embassy when we are in Delhi. There is a large amount that needs to be completed when we are there for Anjali's immigration visa and travel to the US with us. I know that when we are able to hold her in our arms this will be soon forgotten.

The bedroom is also ready for a new little girl--It has been repainted and has the new beds that Kevin made all ready to go. We can't wait for Anajli to see the new bed we have just for her and we pray that she will sleep it soon. It won't be long and Mariah will have a new sister to share her space with!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We Wonder

First of all I can't believe how fast time goes. Where did the first week of October go? We have been very busy lately with school and soccer for Austin and preparing for Anjali to come home! We think of her so much and know that each day we are getting closer to bringing her here to her family. We wonder how big or small she will be. We wonder about what food she will like to eat. We wonder about what toys she will like to play with and what videos she may like to watch. We wonder how she will sleep (we hope it is all night). What will she think of her new bed? (I'll post pictures of the new bedroom and bed soon). We wonder if she will like to ride in the car. Will she like to play in the snow which she has never seen before? Will she learn English quickly? What will she think of going to church? What will she think of going to the store? We wonder what she will think of her "new" family.

There are so many things that we are excited to get to know about this precious girl. It is our prayer that God will prepare her for the many changes that she is about to go though and the way in which her life will be so different. We trust Him to provide for her needs and ours as she joins our family. We know that God is in control of all of this and we know he will watch over her in the transition process. We do not have to wonder about that!