Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is it FALL?

With the cooler temperatures today it feels like it is more like Fall than late August! It sure has been a strange day with the weather. It was a nice morning for a bike ride though with great friends. The kids played inside for a while then when the sun came out they were back outside. Looking forward to worshiping our awesome creator tomorrow.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lazy days of summer are almost over


It is hard to believe that in one week from Monday the kids are going back to school. Austin is excited to be staring high school and is enjoying playing football. He is going to be one busy kid when he adds homework to his plate. Mariah is excited too for 6th grade and looking forward to be in Middle school. She is also playing fall softball for about a month so that should keep her (and her parents)busy as well. Nolan is looking forward to 1st grade and is excited that he has a couple of his friends in his class. Anjali is more than excited to go to preschool and I'm sure 2 mornings will hardly be enough for her. I can't believe that she is already going to school. I am certain that she is going to love every minute of it!!

Yesterday was the 9 month anniversary that Anjali arrived in America. I was thinking of all the things she has learned in that time and how proud of her we all are! She is an amazing little girl, sweet natured, sensitive, willing to try new things and so full of love. She is speaking English so well and using words in the correct context. I think so much of last summer when we thought about her constantly and how we wondered what she would be like and what kind of personality she would have. God is so good and his ways are perfect--his choosing our family for her was perfect. Sometimes it seems like she has been with us for much longer than 9 months. I know that adoption is not for everyone but if there are any of you out there considering it or having thaoughts about it take it to God on your knees in prayer. She has been such a blessing to our family and we can't imagine not having followed God's call for our family. When God led us down the long path of adoption we did have doubts at times about it but we have learned that when you do step out in faith and follow God's leading he will bring blessing. We continue to praise him and thank him everyday for his faithfulness to us!