Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Can it really be that August is almost here? Where has summer gone? Our family has been keeping busy and yet we are trying to enjoy the days of summer that are going by too quickly.
Austin graduated from 8th grade and will soon be heading to high school--Yes, I did say High School. We can hardly believe that our oldest is already 14 and going into high school. He is very excited and is also going to play football this fall. He is looking forward to this and wants to give it a try. He has had a lot of fun this summer wake boarding and hanging out with friends.
Mariah finished up with softball last weekend. After the regular season finished she played on the All-Star team and had so much fun meeting new people and playing ball. We are so proud of her as she played very well and learned so much. She has been a big helper to mom this summer and watches her sister when I have some work to do. She hangs out with friends and enjoys baking too.
Nolan just turned 7 last weekend. Can't believe that he is going to be a 1st grader in just a few weeks.He loves to be outside and has been catching frogs in the pond (swamp ) behind our house. He also had a lot of fun playing baseball this summer with Kevin as the coach!
Anjali has been home now for 8 months. She continues to do well and is growing a little I think! She plays with a little girl in the neighborhood and they have lots of fun together. She has adjusted amazingly well since coming home. She had a blast camping and is learning how to swim. We love her so much!!
Our friends from Canada (Conrad, Rhonda and their son David) were in town this past weekend and we had a awesome time with them. We are so blessed by their friendship and we are thankful that they were able to come and spend some time with our family.
We thank God for his many blessings and praise Him for them.