Thursday, May 7, 2009

Anjali's special day

I can't believe over a month has gone by since I have posted last. I have really good intentions some days and it just gets busy and I need to tend to other things. We had a great vacation in Florida and enjoyed the family time--It was so fun to hang out at the pool and beach and just to be together!
Anjali was baptized in our church on 4/26 and it was a very special day. She did so good and did not seem to mind the water as it was dripping down her face. It was a great day for our family to see her welcomed into our church as one of God's children. She is so special and knows that Jesus loves her. As I sat there that day I thought of how God has adopted us all as His children and how he loves us all no matter where we are from or what color our skin may be. We thank God every day for the blessing of Anjali and our other children and the fact that he "adopts" us all into his forever family. I am so thankful for the love God has for us and for the many blessings He has given us. I am so thankful that He chose us to be parents of our 4 special kids and that they love Jesus.
Anjali wore a dress for her baptism that we had purchased in the market in India. She truly looked like a little Indian princes that day and seemed very proud. We are so proud of her and the way she has adjusted to life with our family. She brings alot of joy to our family. It's hard to believe that she has been home alomost six months.
Austin has been keeping busy with school, baseball and track. We can't believe that he graduates from middle school in a little over 3 weeks! He has been having alot of fun with friends too and enjoys getting together with them on the weekends to hang out.
Mariah has also been busy with school and softball. She is having fun playing pitcher and catcher on her team and is doing a great job.
Nolan had his first game last night and the team won by one run. It was so fun to watch him pitch to kids and play catcher too. He had some great hits and runs fast around the bases. Nolan graduates from Kindergarten on 3 weeks--I can't believe he will be going to school every day next year. It will be an adjustment for him as he really enjoys being home with Mom and Anjali a couple of days a week.
Kevin and I can't believe how fast time goes. We try to cherish every day and know that each day is a gift!