Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We're ready to go!

To Florida that is! We are leaving in the morning for a family vacation to Florida for Spring Break. We are very excited for this opportunity and look forward to spending time together and our first vacation with the six of us. The kids are excited to be missing out on school tomorrow as they were scheduled to have a full day. We are praying for safe travels and nice weather down there and some fun and relaxation. We are all ready for that!
Life has been very busy around here but so much fun. Mariah is enjoying her Girls on the Run after school a couple of days a week. She is also excited about softball starting after Spring Break. Austin made the school baseball team and is looking forward to playing on that. He also likes to be on the I-touch! Nolan is also ready for baseball and is glad his dad is able to coach the team. He is learning to read and that has been so much fun to hear him put words together. Little Miss Anjali continues to bring so much joy to our family. She is talking so much and really understands most things we tell her. She loves going to BSF, singing songs and playing outside. And she loves her new little kitty. No-it's not real although she may wish it was. She hugs her kitten and even takes it for bike rides on her bike.
We are so blessed to have her in our family and thank God that her adjustment has gone so well. She is a sweetie!
I am so excited to celebrate Easter in a little over a week. It is amazing to think of the great love God has for us that he would give up his only Son to die for us and then to rise from the dead so that we may be saved. That's love!!