Friday, March 6, 2009

I think Spring is coming

Spring officially arrives 2 weeks from today and we are excited for that. It is truly beginning to feel like it around here with temps in the 50's. The kids are playing outside today and Nolan is trying to fly his kite. I think we need just a little more wind for that. Anjali loves to play outside and still insists on wearing her hat and gloves outside. It is going to be so much fun to be able to be outside with her more as it has basically been pretty cold since she arrived here.

We continue to keep busy and are looking forward to the baseball/softball season starting. Things get really crazy when the 3 older kids are involved in that. School is going well for the kids and they are looking forward to Spring Break which starts in 4 weeks. We are heading to Florida with the family and are excited to have some R&R. Anjali is excited to go swimming! We pray God will bless us with nice weather and a safe trip in the car.

As I was thinking of the seasons changing and the uncertain times that many people find themselves in, I am reminded that there is one thing that will never change or be uncertain--God's great love and faithfulness to us His people. He will take care of us and continue to guide us!!

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23.