Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A very special day!

Helping mom in the kitchen baking cookies

Being silly

Our Indian Princess

Nolan and Anjali with their fake teeth--Thank goodness they are not real--

Mom finds me in Mariah's bed some mornings

I know that each day is a gift to us but today is an extra special day to celebrate this little girl who joined our family almost three months ago. Some days it seems like she has been here with us for a long time and others it seems like we just arrived home. This was definitely meant to be. We were all meant to be together and we know that God designed our family this way. Today we celebrate Anjali and the gift she is to us.
We often wonder what her first 4 years of life were like but we are just so grateful now that she is HOME and we treasure every minute. We treasure the moments that she sits on our laps and cuddles close to mom or dad and falls asleep when reading books and when she sings "Jesus Loves Me" as we walk through the grocery store. We love to listen to the giggles that come when she is playing with her brothers and sister. We laugh with her when she when she does those silly little things that girls do. We continue to be amazed at how much she has learned in less than 3 months and we are thankful that she is adjusting so well. She is a joy and we we are so thankful for her life. What a treasure she is!
I think today too of the woman who carried Anjlai and made a choice to give her life. I would want her to know that Anjali is in a family that loves her more than ever and that she is doing so well (and that she is so adorable). I pray that she is safe and that she would come to know Jesus the one who created her and the beautiful child we treasure!
So on her 4th birthday we celebrate her life and the incredible joy she brings. We love you so much Anjali!!!! Happy Birthday!!!