Thursday, January 15, 2009

A few pictures

We're still here

I guess we have been having so much fun in the last couple of weeks that I haven't had much time to post. We had a great time over Christmas break and a good start to the New Year. It has been busy with school, sports, church and every day things.

Austin is playing on the school's 8th grade basketball team so he has been at practice every day after school for the last couple of weeks with games starting next week. We can hardly believe that he will be in High School next year! How time does fly by! Mariah is keeping busy with school, piano and friends. She is reading a lot this month as it is a special month to focus on reading called Bring on the Books. She is so dedicated to her school work and is doing well. Nolan starts a new schedule next week of two full days and 1 half day. He is excited that he will now be able to eat lunch at school 2 days each week. Mom is looking forward to not having to be home each day at 11:45 to get him off the bus. Anjali continues to amaze us. It is hard to believe that 2 months ago she was speaking primarily Marathi and Hindi and is now speaking mostly English. Sometimes when she is playing she will talk or sing in Indian but then if I ask her to do it again she usually doesn't. We were so blessed this week when I received a call that she was placed in a class at the bible study I attend once a week. She was able to go with me this week and it was so precious to see her playing and interacting with other kids her age. She loves mac-n-cheese, ice cream, Little Bear videos, singing and dancing, playing the piano, painting her nails and writing on paper (and the walls every now and then). She is such a joy and we thank God every day for the gift of her and the love she has. We are so blessed and know that it is a privilege to have all of the children that God has given us. We are enjoying some time too as family on these cold (freezing)winter nights--thank God for our warm home! We have so much to be thankful for!